Alternative Medicine Center
Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Nutrition Hormone Balancing and Lifestyle to Rejuvination
Doing What They Say Can't Be Done
for over 25 years
AMC Chiropractic in Lubbock, Texas
Is Pain Running Your Life?
When pain is robbing you, selecting the right chiropractor shouldn't leave you feeling frustrated and uncertain. We make the selection process clear, simple, and risk-free, so you can get right to work on restoring the lifestyle you deserve.
Guarantee: If we don't get significant change, we won't charge for the visit.
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Free Living
Specific Chiropractic Care targets the true causes of your symptoms, which once addressed, lets you live free again.
Your Guide to Health.
We understand what it’s like to struggle with evaluating the options, picking the right one for you, and finding someone you can trust.
After 25+ years of treating over 5,000 patients successfully, we work with our patients to design specific corrective approaches for your bodies old injuries, lifestyle, nutrition and ailments to move you towards the results you want and need.
Take responsibility for your Health and Future today.
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That which you would do, begin it!
Here’s How We Do It:
Building Your Health Program
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Individual Care
Back to Health
Together, we'll find what you need based on your specific conditions to maximize your health and Longevity!
Take control of your Health and your future. The best thing you can do for your children is take care of your health without drugs or surgery when ever possible.
Get Your Life Back
Schedule your consultation today so you can stop being overwhelmed, frustrated, and fed-up with having your life revolve around a possibly treatable condition. Knowing why you need to change is KEY to doing all the things you love to do because that is the motivation to "live and not die."
Below is a limited list of Symptoms that people bring to our our offices regularly from all over the country.
(Click condition for information)
Two Types of Care
1) Fix what you find: Symptoms have patterns and some are stuck in a cycle. Break the cycle and it quits coming back. When it keeps coming back there are old injuries setting up the patterns of compensation. If a one or two visits doesn't correct the problem, you may have more long term issues that must be addressed to break the patterns that keep the symptoms coming back or getting worse.
2) Corrective Care: Find the problem and do what ever it takes so the body can heal itself. Stop the degeneration (can be confused with "aging"). The purpose here is to find the chronic, long time, problems causing health risks and symptoms.
Then we give the body what it needs to correct it.
removes the reasons for medications in many cases,
stops degeneration,
restores degenerated tissues and organs including the brain and nerves,
corrects immune system functions,
Improve the digestive system and much more.
There are different types of treatments for all the systems:
breaking up scar tissue/adhesions,
Nutritional components.
We even have treatment methods for Chiropractic Mental Emotional Components adversely affecting the physical body function. Very Powerful!
In order to do this kind of work we have to do testing to find what muscle, organs and systems are involved so we know what to do in each case. Each case is different even if they have the same or similar symptoms. Since there are usually more than one Source causing overlapping problems.
To correct these kinds of problems takes planning what to do and when to do it and in the order of priority. We proceed as fast as your body can handle. No matter the age or condition.
We offer Multiple Same Day Visits to those coming from out of town OR for those who wish to cut the time down, getting better faster.
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